A paradise island chain in the middle of the Pacific remained in relative isolation for over 1,000 years until the controversial Captain Cook became the first recorded European to encounter what he called the Sandwich Islands. This encounter marked the beginning of the end of the sovereignty of what we now know as the Hawaiian islands.
The story of Hawai’i is a tragic tale of violence, exploitation and imperialism that has food, namely produce, at the very heart of it all.
Join Patrick and John in the first episode of this epic series, as they explore three key moments in the late 18th century that set the course of Hawaii’s fate.
FANCY SPONSORS: Ag Tools, Inc.: https://www.agtechtools.com, Flavor Wave, LLC.: https://flavorwavefresh.com, Noble Citrus: https://noblecitrus.com, Buck Naked Onions/Owyhee Produce, Inc.: http://www.owyheeproduce.com and John Greene Logistics Company: https://www.jglc.com and Summer Citrus From South Africa; https://www.summercitrus.com
CHOICE SPONSORS: Equifruit: https://equifruit.com Arctic® Apples: https://arcticapples.com Sev-Rend Corporation: https://www.sev-rend.com, Jac Vandenberg Inc.: https://www.jacvandenberg.com , WholesaleWare: https://www.grubmarket.com/hello/software/index.html Continental Fresh, LLC: https://www.continentalfresh.com and RPE/Tasteful Selections: https://www.tastefulselections.com/ , Apeel Sciences: https://www.apeel.com/, Thx! Dreams https://thxdreams.com/, and Golden Star Citrus, Inc.: http://www.goldenstarcitrus.com
STANDARD SPONSORS: Freshway Produce: https://www.freshwayusa.com , Yo, Quiero/Fresh Innovations, LLC.: https://yoquierobrands.com/ Ben B. Schwartz & Co.:https://benbdetroit.com/ Global Women’s Fresh: https://globalwomenfresh.com/ Empower Fresh: https://empowerfresh.com/ Peak of the Market: https://peakofthemarket.com/and Citrus America: https://citrusamerica.com
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