WELCOME TO VIVA FRESH 2024 PART ONE, BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE TEXAS INTERNATIONAL PRODUCE ASSOCIATION. Today Ross Nelson and Patrick Kelly recap the 2024 show with you in less than 30 mins, but give you the recap you need to survive this week! Join us walk through the schedule of our time at VIVA Fresh and how to maximize your exposure while at the show.
Tune in and Tune on!
FANCY SPONSORS: Flavor Wave, LLC.: https://flavorwavefresh.com, Noble Citrus: https://noblecitrus.com, Buck Naked Onions/Owyhee Produce, Inc.: http://www.owyheeproduce.com, John Greene Logistics Company: https://www.jglc.com, and Summer Citrus From South Africa; https://www.summercitrus.com
CHOICE SPONSORS: Equifruit: https://equifruit.com Arctic® Apples: https://arcticapples.com Sev-Rend Corporation: https://www.sev-rend.com, Jac Vandenberg Inc.: https://www.jacvandenberg.com , WholesaleWare: https://www.grubmarket.com/hello/software/index.html Continental Fresh, LLC: https://www.continentalfresh.com and RPE/Tasteful Selections: https://www.tastefulselections.com/ , Apeel Sciences: https://www.apeel.com/, Thx! Dreams https://thxdreams.com/, and Golden Star Citrus, Inc.: http://www.goldenstarcitrus.com
STANDARD SPONSORS: Freshway Produce: https://www.freshwayusa.com , Yo, Quiero/Fresh Innovations, LLC.: https://yoquierobrands.com/ Ben B. Schwartz & Co.:https://benbdetroit.com/ Empower Fresh: https://empowerfresh.com/and Citrus America: https://citrusamerica.com
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