On today’s Fresh From The Field, Fridays from The Produce Industry Podcast Dan the Produce Man visits What A Tomato on the San Francisco Wholesale Produce Market and interviews proprietor Marty Pizza.
Marty took over the business from his father and is carrying on the tradition with a new modern twist. So tune in and turn on!
FANCY SPONSORS: Flavor Wave, LLC.: https://flavorwavefresh.com, Noble Citrus: https://noblecitrus.com, Buck Naked Onions/Owyhee Produce, Inc.: http://www.owyheeproduce.com, John Greene Logistics Company: https://www.jglc.com, Bell Harvest Sales; https://www.belleharvest.com/ and Summer Citrus From South Africa; https://www.summercitrus.com
CHOICE SPONSORS: Equifruit: https://equifruit.com Arctic® Apples: https://arcticapples.com Sev-Rend Corporation: https://www.sev-rend.com, Jac Vandenberg Inc.: https://www.jacvandenberg.com , WholesaleWare: https://www.grubmarket.com/hello/software/index.html Continental Fresh, LLC: https://www.continentalfresh.com and RPE/Tasteful Selections: https://www.tastefulselections.com/ , Apeel Sciences: https://www.apeel.com/, Thx! Dreams https://thxdreams.com/, and Golden Star Citrus, Inc.: http://www.goldenstarcitrus.com
STANDARD SPONSORS: Freshway Produce: https://www.freshwayusa.com , Yo, Quiero/Fresh Innovations, LLC.: https://yoquierobrands.com/ Ben B. Schwartz & Co.:https://benbdetroit.com/ Global Women Fresh: https://globalwomenfresh.com/ Empower Fresh: https://empowerfresh.com/ Peak of the Market: https://peakofthemarket.com/and Citrus America: https://citrusamerica.com
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